


    Well, my name is Michael, and I have been playing videogames since I was a little kid. I started out with the original Nintendo (NES), skipped to a Sega Genesis, and had that until I was able to nag my mom to getting me a Nintendo 64. After playing the heck out of that, I moved to a PS1, PS2, and the stupidly expensive PS3. In the PS3 era, I was in college and my roommate had an Xbox 360, and that was where the whole “multi-console” gaming started. I think I’ve had every system since then, because by that time I was an adult and could pay for systems with paychecks, savings, etc.

     Later on, I started growing a family, and stopped playing for a while, but now I’m back at it, and jeez, do I have a backlog.
   All that being said, welcome, and please feel free to read any of the blog posts that we make, and like/follow/subscribe/etc. to any of our social media accounts, and let us know anything you would like us to cover.


    My name is Ray, and I have been playing video games for a long time.  At 8 years old I remember my father having a machine that just played pong on the TV. My first console was Mattel’s Intelivision.  Most of my friends had Atari or Colecovision and we would take turns playing at each other's homes. When the movie Tron came out I dreamed of owning a arcade because that's where the best games were. 

   When one of my friends got an O.G. Xbox with a copy of Halo we played for hours. I went the next payday and bought a Xbox and Halo and have had every Xbox since. I love a good single player game with a great story. Bioshock, Halo, Dishonored, Mass Effect, and the Elder Scrolls series are some of my favorites. I hope you join me and Mike as we discuss games on our podcast  and blogs on this website. 

   Thanks for checking us out see you online.